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Usernames used by Oamk students and staff to log in to various services


Your M365 account

You can check your username from the Account info service (Log in using You will need your Finnish bank PIN, mobile certificate or an electronic ID card as ID): Your M365 username is under the Windows header. This is how the accounts are formed in general:

  • Your username if you have not had a user account at the University of Oulu’s M365;
    [oamkusername] or [oamkusername]
  • Your username if you have a locked username at the University of Oulu:
    [univusername] or [univusername]
  • Your username is your old Oamk username is already in use by some other person at the University of Oulu:
  • If you have an active username at the University of Oulu, you will continue to use it also for Oamk:
    [univusername] or [univusernam]

Services you log into with your M365 account

List of services categorised by sign-in method:

Logging into the printing service

  • [oamkusername]@univ,[oamkusernames24]@univ[univusernam]@univ or
  • [oamktunnus@student[univusernam]@student

In these usernames, the first part is the same as in the M365 username before the @ symbol.

Services you log into with your old Oamk username also in future

List of services categorised by username format and sign-in method:

  • [oamkusername] or [oamkusername]
  • (NB. If you change your password, it will work for these as well)
    • HAKA login (where MFA is not in use)
      • Exam and opintipolku (in the staff role)
  • [oamkusername]  (If you change your password, it will work for these as well)
    • LDAP login
      • Pulmu, thesis process (you have to be on campus, or use VPN to be able to login)
      • Ossi, recognition of prior learning
      • Extension period, (you have to be on campus, or use VPN to be able to login)
      •, Oamk’s old staff intranet (you have to be on campus, or use VPN to be able to login)
      •, Oamk’s old student intranet (you have to be on campus, or use VPN to be able to login)
      •, e.g. students’ homepages
      • Oamk’s www homepages.
    • EzProxy, IP space
      • Library services
  • [oamkusername] + Your password as it was before May 20, 2024.
    • Use this username to log into Oamk’s retired M365 tenant, which is in read only mode. Please see instructions on how to login.
    • If you have changed your password on May 20, 2024 or later, it will not change for Oamk’s retired M365 tenant, please use the password you used before the service interruption May 17.
      If you don’t remember your old password to your old account, you can change it at Please copy that link to a InPrivate/InCognito window on your browser, and give your account name in the form.

You can change your password, check your username, and change the telephone numbers used in MFA at the University of Oulu’s and Oamk’s shared Accountinfo service. The service uses authentication.


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