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Transferring a OneNote notebook from one M365 environment (tenant) to another

– 22.4.2024

For Oamk staff and students: Please make copies of those of your OneNote notebooks, which you have in your OneDrive. Do it before the service interruption starting on May 17, 2024, and transfer them to your new OneDrive earliest on May 20, 2024. All external links to the notebooks (e.g., in Moodle or on another […]

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Published in categories: English version available, All instructions, Oamk , for Oamk staff, for Oamk students, accessible content

Setting up and managing a new Windows-computer

– 16.4.2024

Since March 1, 2024, the new Windows computers for staff have been cloud-managed by ICT Services.  If you are the recipient of a new computer, please read more about the changes and more detailed instructions on how to set up your computer in the quick start guide: Printable Start Guide for a new Windows computer. […]

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Published in categories: for the University of Oulu staff, UniOulu

Accessibility is a part of content creation: What does it mean in practice?

– 25.3.2024

We all are content producers. Everyone of us makes content that we publish online. Examples of online content are e. g. news here in intranets, files shared with others in OneDrive, content in Moodle courses, and even social media updates. When you publish something online, keep in mind the diversity of people. Please ensure that as […]

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Published in categories: English version available, All instructions, Oamk , for Oamk staff, for Oamk students, for the University of Oulu staff, for the University of Oulu students, accessible content, UniOulu

The 24/7 Campus Card and a student card with access rights gives students access to the Linnanmaa campus – see how to purchase the card

– 21.3.2024

As a University of Oulu or Oamk student, you can acquire a card to access the Linnanmaa campus: a 24/7 Campus Card or a student card with 24/7 access (only members of OYY or OSAKO). In other words, you can utilise the 24/7 facilities on Linnanmaa campus even outside teaching hours. All you need is […]

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Published in categories: English version available, All instructions, Oamk , for Oamk students, for the University of Oulu students, accessible content, UniOulu
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Oamk user account migration FAQ

– 18.3.2024

ICT services will migrate Oamk user accounts to the same environment with the University of Oulu in the spring of 2024. We aim to make the transition as easy as possible for everyone, but this is a large project that will inevitably result in tasks for users as well. The change will also affect logins, […]

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Published in categories: English version available, All instructions, Oamk , for Oamk staff, for Oamk students, accessible content

Moodle-ThingLink integration

– 25.1.2024

You can add Thinglink to your Moodle platform as an external tool. In this case, users go from Moodle to Thinglink logged in with their University of Oulu/Oamk credentials. Moodle’s Thinglink integration Select “Add activity or resource” in Moodle Add “External tool” Give the activity a name Select Thinglink from the “Preconfigured ool” drop-down menu […]

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Published in categories: All instructions

Life Cycle of Videos in YuJa

– 12.12.2023

Media downloads in YuJa According to the terms of use of your university account (both the University of Oulu and Oamk accounts), you may use the services provided to you by your university, only related to your work and studies: This means that you are allowed to upload to YuJa only such materials that are […]

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Published in categories: All instructions, Oamk , for Oamk staff, for Oamk students, for the University of Oulu staff, for the University of Oulu students, accessible content, UniOulu
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Moodle Howspace integration

– 5.12.2023

You can add Howspace to your Moodle platform as an external tool. In this case, users go from Moodle to Howspace logged in with their University of Oulu/Oamk credentials. Moodle’s Howspace integration Open “Workspace settings” in Howspace Check that ” Learning Tools Interoperability” is checked in the “Features” menu Open the menu “Login, registration and […]

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Published in categories: English version available, All instructions, Oamk , UniOulu

Spam and phishing messages

– 22.9.2023

Despite effective filtering, scam and phishing messages can end up in the M365 service’s mailbox. Therefore, it is appropriate to learn how to distinguish cheating messages from proper mail. The Junk Email folder is worth checking and emptying on a regular basis. It can end up with proper email, especially if the message comes from […]

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Published in categories: English version available, All instructions, Oamk , for Oamk staff, for Oamk students, for the University of Oulu staff, for the University of Oulu students, accessible content, UniOulu
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ThingLink content creation tool

– 5.9.2023

ThingLink is a content creation tool. You can create interactive maps, instructional guides, virtual tours, and branching learning scenarios. You can enrich images, videos, 360˚ content and 3D models. Hotspots allow you to add an interactive layer on top of your content, as well as link different pieces of content together to create tours and […]

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Published in categories: English version available, All instructions, Oamk , for Oamk staff, for Oamk students, for the University of Oulu staff, for the University of Oulu students, accessible content, UniOulu