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The 24/7 Campus Card and a student card with access rights gives students access to the Linnanmaa campus – see how to purchase the card

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As a University of Oulu or Oamk student, you can acquire a card to access the Linnanmaa campus:

  • a 24/7 Campus Card or
  • a student card with 24/7 access (only members of OYY or OSAKO).

In other words, you can utilise the 24/7 facilities on Linnanmaa campus even outside teaching hours. All you need is a 24/7 Campus Card, which is available for purchase to all UO and Oamk students.

In addition, with the 24/7 Campus Card or a student card with 24/7 access, you can also enter the University of Oulu’s Kontinkangas campus. However, you cannot access any of the class rooms there with an Oamk 24/7 Campus Card: With the Oamk card, you can enter the campus only to take a test in the exam system.

If you face problems with your card, contact

NOTE: For now, open university students (this applies also to Oamk) and continuing education students cannot purchase a 24/7 Campus Card or a student card.

How to get a card

  1. Go to
    • Log in using Haka and select University of Oulu or Oulu University of Applied Sciences as your organisation. Log in to the service with your university/Oamk username and related password.
    • Please select the product “24/7 Campus Card” or “student card”. NB. You will see the card in the online store only if your attendance registration is valid and you are logged into the online store.
  2. Add your own picture to the card. For example, you can use the camera of your phone. The picture must be of good quality, it must be possible to identify it is you in the picture: The card cannot be handed over to you if it is not possible to tell it is your picture on the card.
  3. Check your contact information, read the card terms of use, accept them and place the order. Students, who are members of the Student union of the University of Oulu (OYY), or Oamk’s student union OSAKO will pay 15 euros for the 24/7 card, while students who are not members, will pay 30 euros. Student card with 24/7 access costs 15 euros and only members of OYY or OSAKO can purchase it. You can see the prices in the shop. The payment is non-refundable.
  4. When the card is ready, you will get an email with the information when you can collect your card. You can choose the collecting point of the card. Oamk students can pick up their card from the Sluuppi shop when it is open, or from OSAKO office during opening hours. University students can pick up their card from the OYY office or Kontinkangas campus service point.

Please remember to bring your ID to confirm your identity. You can prove your identity with a valid ID, e.g. a passport. The 24/7 Campus Card will be valid during your right to study, and one semester after it.

24/7 Campus Card access

You can enter the campus from all the doors which are marked with a 24/7 sticker. In Linnanmaa, there are several doors like this. They have marked on the campus maps:

See library’s page to read about the 24/7 areas in the Pegasus library and self-service use of the medical library.

Inside the campus, Oamk’s 24/7 Campus Card gives you access to these rooms (updated on Feb 21, 2024):

  • 5B214
  • 7A153
  • 7A202
  • 7A203
  • 7A204
  • 7A208
  • 7A212
  • 7A220
  • 7A221
  • 7A245
  • 7A246
  • 7B202
  • 7B213
  • 7B213
  • 7B215
  • 7B216
  • 7F204
  • 7F205
  • 7F206

You can easily find these spaces with the MazeMap app or on the Tuudo map.
The 24/7 entrances are marked in the University of Oulu campus map (PDF).

The Campus Card and the right of access associated with the card are personal. Do not allow other persons to enter 24/7 spaces with your card. This means also, that you should not prevent the door from closing. For example, students who go to campus at the same time, must each use their own access card. If you misuse a 24/7 access card, you might lose your card entirely or for a specified time period and there is no refund.

All the entraces that are in the 24/7 use, are marked with a sticker. The sticker is not very big. It should be located close to the card reader. The image on the sticker is a green speech bubble and it says 24/7.

24/7 campus security

In case of fire alarm or medical emergency: Call 112 and give the address (University of Oulu / Oulu University of Applied Sciences, Linnanmaa campus or Kontinkangas campus. Check the street address and the name of the nearest front door. You can use e.g. Oulu Campus Navigator to find out nearest entrance/exit).

Criminal or disturbing behaviour: If the problem occurs during office hours, please contact the janitors (tel. +358 294 483007 or aulapalvelut at At other times, you can contact Poko security services on tel. +358 400 392550 or call 112.

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