Author Archives: Anna-Liisa
Howspace Accessibility Statement (University of Oulu)
This accessibility statement applies to the Howspace facilitation service. In Howspace, you can create group workspaces where you can use different widgets to engage your group. This statement was prepared on June 5, 2023, and it is based on Howspace’s own accessibility statement. They say they commissioned an accessibility audit in 2022, which, according to […]
How to create an accessible Howspace workspace
Please use the default colors and fonts: According to Howspace, they are accessible. Don’t place too many widgets on a single page: it’s easier for users to navigate from one page to another than from one widget to another. For page layout, in containers, preferably use only one column or two columns side by side, […]
Write accessible math formulae fast with TeX
Do you produce materials (for example, in Moodle), which include mathematical formulae for higher education students? I would argue that if you don’t already write mathematical formulae with TeX, then you should learn it now! Content: MathML’s accessibility is practically still in the future What could you do to make your mathematical formulae accessible already […]
(suomi) Kuvat verkkomateriaaleissa – millainen on hyvä kuva?
Sorry, this entry is only available in suomi.
Which pictures I am allowed to use in my materials?
1. Use only appropriate pictures, which you have the right to use. One of these must be true, for you to have the right to use a picture: You own the copyright to the picture: the picture is either your own work or you have purchased full rights to the picture. You have a separate, […]
YuJa media platform: Information about accessibility
YuJa provides an accessible user interface to the service (e. g. the video player), while we at the University of Oulu and Oamk are content creators, responsible for the accessibility of our own content in the service. Accessibility of video content means that the information on the videos is available to diverse users, while accessibility […]
General responsibilities, risks and principles of recording online meetings at the University of Oulu and Oamk
(Adapted from the text of Ulla Virranniemi (Oamk) By default, the responsibility of sharing a recording, belongs to the recorder. If the recorder gives user rights to a person, who further distributes the recording, the person distributing the recording further, bears the responsibility for his or her part. The risks associated with meeting recordings include […]
Zoom cloud recording (NORDUNet)
At the university of Oulu and the Oulu university of applied sciences, we use the NORDUNet Zoom, provided to us by CSC. These guidelines are specific to our Zoom. Our Zoom service is located in the secure Nordic NORDUNet cloud. Please note, that our Zoom cloud recording will transfer the recording to our Yuja. Your […]
Classroom AV technology for hybrid events
A hybrid-equipped classroom means a room where the AV technology makes it possible to arrange an event where some of the participants are present in the classroom, while some attend the event from somewhere else. Teacher: You can list all the hybrid-equipped classrooms in Peppi. First, connect your laptop to the dock with an USB-C […]
VPN Connection (Oamk staff’s guide)
VPN connection VPN connection (Virtual Private Network) is a solution that enables the workers to reach the organizations network securely from the insecure public network. This enables e.g. remote work from home or traveling. The VPN uses “virtual” connections that are routed through the Internet from the organization’s private network to the employee: Both parts […]