Author Archives: Pirjo
Software on student workstations (Oamk)
Oamk student workstations are computers maintained by ICT Services and they are either fixed workstations in classes and lobbies, or laptops that can be borrowed from laptop vendors. This page is about computers and laptops software intended for use by Oamk students. The computer classrooms have been meant primarily for teaching use. You may use these workstations within […]
IBM SPSS Statistics (UO)
ICT services have stopped selling the IBM SPSS program to students and staff of the University of Oulu; the IBM SPSS activation code is no longer available in the online store. In the future, the IBM SPSS license can only be purchased by a university unit. Students can use the SPSS program through the university’s […]
Meeting invitation and reservation of a room on campus
If you want to arrange a meeting between more people and at the same time book a suitable room, make a reservation in your Outlook calendar of O365 service. The facilities reserved for the university are as resources on the O365 service and appear in the room list. This instruction will tell you how to […]
Email forwarding
The primary address of a student is the organization’s email address with the ending Forwarding mail to external addresses is not recommended, but it is nevertheless possible for students. Instead, university and Oamk staff cannot redirect their mail from and addresses, as the university’s email rules indicate that forwarding or redirecting official […]
Did you click on a phishing simulation link? No problem!
The goal of a simulated phishing message is to demonstrate currently circulating and modern phishing messages to the staff members in a safe environment. The possible clicking of a phishing simulation link is not tracked on a personal level as the goal of the phishing training simulation is educative. The ICT Services occasionally carries out […]
SSH – Secure Shell
Secure Shell (SSH) is a cryptographic network protocol for secure data communication, remote command-line login, remote command execution, and other secure network services between two networked computers that connects, via a secure channel over an insecure network, a server and a client (running SSH server and SSH client programs, respectively). SSH client can perform A […]
Software for your personal computer (UO)
This page contains information about software licensed to the university that you, as part of the university staff or university students, can install on your personal computer, either free of charge or for a fee. Access to programs acquired through the university is tied to the validity of the username. Generally, access to these software […]
M365, Microsoft 365 Education
Microsoft 365 Education was also known as Office 365 Education. We use the abbreviations M365 and O365 for it. It is Microsoft’s suite of services that, in addition to email service and OneDrive storage, offers a wide range of tools available to all university students and staff. Link to M365 service: The contents of […]
VISU system
Description of the project The VISU environment is an audited operating environment that meets the requirements of the data permit authority (Findata) and secondary legislation (Act on the Secondary Use of Social and Health Data 552/2019). VISU is intended for research that deals with data-licensed or other sensitive and confidential material in accordance with secondary […]
Study right
If you would like to read more about the right to study or how to continue it, please see the following links: University of Oulu: Study Right | University of Oulu Oamk: Right to Study – oamk