The goal of a simulated phishing message is to demonstrate currently circulating and modern phishing messages to the staff members in a safe environment. The possible clicking of a phishing simulation link is not tracked on a personal level as the goal of the phishing training simulation is educative.
The ICT Services occasionally carries out training simulations relating to phishing emails. The goal of the training simulations is to help the faculty members to recognize and detect suspicious emails relating to phishing attacks.
The link of the simulation training email directs the user to the ICT Services instruction site that gives examples and pointers on how this type of phishing email can be recognized in the future.
We have also collected similar tips on recognizing phishing emails on the ICT Services portal:
The National Cyber Security Centre Finland – NCSC-FI also covers current on-going phishing scams in their Weekly Review publications found at “Information Security Now! (Tietoturva Nyt!)”