Author Archives: Anna-Liisa
Zoom cloud recording (NORDUNet)
At the university of Oulu and the Oulu university of applied sciences, we use the NORDUNet Zoom, provided to us by CSC. These guidelines are specific to our Zoom. Our Zoom service is located in the secure Nordic NORDUNet cloud. Please note, that our Zoom cloud recording will transfer the recording to our Panopto. You […]
Classroom AV technology for hybrid events
A hybrid-equipped classroom means a room where the AV technology makes it possible to arrange an event where some of the participants are present in the classroom, while some attend the event from somewhere else. Teacher: You can list all the hybrid-equipped classrooms in Peppi. First, connect your laptop to the dock with an USB-C […]
VPN Connection (Oamk staff’s guide)
VPN connection VPN connection (Virtual Private Network) is a solution that enables the workers to reach the organizations network securely from the insecure public network. This enables e.g. remote work from home or traveling. The VPN uses “virtual” connections that are routed through the Internet from the organization’s private network to the employee: Both parts […]
VPN for Oamk students
VPN connection (Virtual Private Network) is a solution to reach a private network and its resources over public networks securely. In other words, as a student of Oamk you can reach your home directory at school also from your home, instead of e.g. having to move around your files with USB memory sticks. While using […]
Accessibility of videos (e.g. online lecture recordings)
For a video to be accessible, you must understand its message just by listening or just by seeing the image and captions. As a rule of thumb, the point of an accessible video presentation can be determined by listening or watching only. Making a video with an audio track that works independently often requires planning […]
Oamk students: Teachers can use Turnitin to detect plagiarism
The teachers at Oamk can use Turnitin to find possible plagiarism. Turnitin is available to teachers for assignments returned through Moodle. Turnitin instructions for students are in Moodle. NB. You’ll need to login to Moodle and register for Moodle course called Student’s guide to read the instructions. (Urkund, a similar tool was in use until […]
Software for Oamk students
NB. only non-commercial use is allowed for professional software (such as Microsoft and Autodesk products). The software provided to you by Oamk, is available for you for studying purposes only. Office tools for students to use at home:You can install the MS Office tools to your own computer. There are several applications available, including e. […]
Protected: Instructions for remote connections to thesis defences (NB. The password to this page is available in Patio)
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
Start using the multifactor authentication (MFA) in the Microsoft 365 cloud service
This page awaits an update. Please follow the University of Oulu’s MFA instructions, now that we are sharing the same M365 tenant. Everyone at Oamk has multifactor authentication (MFA) in use for the Microsoft Office 365 cloud service. If you are not familiar with MFA in general, please see how MFA protects your account from […]
(suomi) Näin teet podcastin – käytännön vinkit Oulun yliopistossa ja Oamkissa
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