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Author Archives: Anna-Liisa

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(suomi) Opettajan ohje: Kysymyspankin kopiointi kurssialueelta toiselle

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Tuudo mobile app for students: see e.g. your schedule and grades on your mobile

Download Tuudo and take control of your campus life Tuudo is a mobile application that gathers several services to one user interface. Make your life easier and save your energy for your studies! Tuudo will help you to manage your time at the campus. Tuudo is not replacing the online services provided to you but rather it […]

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Electronic services for Open University of Applied Sciences students

As a student of the Open University of Applied Sciences at Oamk, you get to use the same IT services as any student at Oamk:  You get an Oamk student username for your account. The Oamk student account gives you access to electronic services for the whole period of your studies. Your username will be created automatically. The account is […]

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Mapping your network drive (for students)

N.B.! While the network drives are still in use, the IT services recommend the cloud services.  The cloud services available to you are the Microsoft Office 365 cloud service  (incl. e. g.  e-mail and calendar, OneDrive and Sharepoint) and the Google suite for education (incl. e. g. Google Drive, Youtube). How to map a network drive in Windows Here […]

Published in categories: English version available, All instructions, for Oamk students | Tags , , | 2 comments

Mapping a network drive in Windows 10 (for staff)

The path to your network drive is \\files.kk.lan\staff\username (just replace the username with your user name.) When you are inside the OUAS network, you are not prompted for a user name and password to map your network drive, as you have already been authenticated when you did sign in to your computer. From outside the OUAS network, […]

Published in categories: All instructions, Oamk , for Oamk staff | Tags , , , | 1 comment

(suomi) Windows 10 -versiopäivityksen käynnistys käsin (henkilökunnan ohje)

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(suomi) Opettajan ohje: Dokumenttien linkittäminen Office 365 -pilvipalvelusta Moodleen

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Good IT practises check list – ensure the information security of your computer and your mobile devices

Install the security updates as soon as they are available (also on your mobile devices) Always keep all of your software up to date (also on your mobile devices) Take backups of your important files! While the cloud services are pretty good for keeping your files safe, you should still have separate copies of your most […]

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How to scan with the Canon uniFLOW devices

As an Oamk student, you can use the Canon uniFLOW devices at the Oamk campuses for scanning (and it’s free): Log in to the device using your Oamk user name (username@kk) and password (or identify yourself with a card) Set the paper(s) to be scanned either to the glass surface (text facing downwards) or to the feeder […]

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(suomi) Varoitus kohdistetuista huijauspuheluista (ja sähköposteista)

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