If you are saving confidential or secret information, you can use the encryption tool of the desktop application or encrypt several files at the same time with a compression software. When using some of the encryption methods, you define yourself the password with which you can later open the files. Remember that the password cannot be […]
» File encryptionTag archive: tiedostot
File encryption
– 24.1.2022
Published in categories: English version available, All instructions, Oamk , for Oamk staff, for Oamk students, for the University of Oulu staff, for the University of Oulu students, accessible content, UniOulu
Tags: confidential, encryption, files, luottamuksellinen, salaaminen, salainen, salaus, secret, tiedostot
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Instructions for processing Oamk’s data
– 29.4.2020
NB. This is an unofficial translation. Please see the Finnish version for reference. Please refer to the tables on this page to see where you can store and process data in Oamk, and how you can share data to others. Oamk’s data is classified into three protection levels, depending on who needs to access it. […]
» Instructions for processing Oamk’s data
Published in categories: English version available, All instructions, Oamk , for Oamk staff, accessible content
Tags: staff's email, file sharing, kyselyohjelmistot, Microsoft Office 365, pilvitallennus, suojattu sähköposti, tiedostot, tietoaineistot, tietojen tallennus, tietosuoja, tulos
1 comment
OneDrive Files On-Demand helps you access all your files in OneDrive without having to download all of them and use storage space on your device.
– 5.2.2018
OneDrive Files On-Demand helps you access all your files in OneDrive without having to download all of them and use storage space on your device. This feature comes with Windows 10 and 11. Keep your computer uptodate with latest security and performance patches and updates for Windows! Please read more about the OneDrive Files On-Demand from the […]
» OneDrive Files On-Demand helps you access all your files in OneDrive without having to download all of them and use storage space on your device.
Published in categories: English version available, All instructions, Oamk , for Oamk staff, for Oamk students, for the University of Oulu staff, for the University of Oulu students, accessible content, UniOulu
Tags: 365, Office 365, OneDrive, tiedostot, Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows10
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(suomi) Onedrive- ja Sharepoint-käyttäjät: tarkkuutta jako-oikeuksien kanssa!
– 3.4.2017
Sorry, this entry is only available in suomi.
» (suomi) Onedrive- ja Sharepoint-käyttäjät: tarkkuutta jako-oikeuksien kanssa!
Published in categories: All instructions, Oamk , for Oamk staff, for Oamk students
Tags: 365, Delve, Microsoft Office 365, OneDrive, SharePoint, file sharing, tiedostot, tietosuoja, computer security, OUAS's information security officer's announcements
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