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Software on student workstations (UO)

– 14.12.2021

Student workstations are computers maintained by ICT Services and they are either fixed workstations in classes and self-study rooms, or laptops that can be borrowed from laptop vendors. Workstations | University of Oulu is the main page of fixed workstations used by university students, where you can see login instructions, location information and number of […]

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Published in categories: English version available, All instructions, for the University of Oulu staff, for the University of Oulu students, accessible content, UniOulu
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Recording and sharing videos

– 14.12.2021

With your Unioulu/Oamk user account, you can access a couple of services for recording and/or sharing videos. Recordings of video lectures and conferences How to create video tutorials or video lessons Sharing videos Ensure you have permission to share the video Make sure your video is accessible Recordings of video lectures and conferences You can, […]

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Published in categories: English version available, All instructions, Oamk , for Oamk staff, for Oamk students, for the University of Oulu staff, for the University of Oulu students, accessible content, UniOulu
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Multi-factor authentication MFA (UO)

– 9.12.2021

The main purpose of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is to prevent the abuses of the user accounts. In practice MFA means that you verify, in other words approve your sign-ins on the phone, which has been connected with MFA. Because your phone is needed for the verification, no external quarter is able to abuse your user […]

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Published in categories: English version available, All instructions, for the University of Oulu staff, for the University of Oulu students, accessible content, UniOulu
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OpenVPN client installing instructions

– 22.11.2021

Using OpenVPN client for remote connections of the university or Oamk services requires you to perform the following prior actions: First, create an eduvpn profile file. Instruction for the university: Eduvpn profile creating (UO) and for OAMK: Eduvpn profile creating (OAMK) Download the profile file to your computer, e.g. Download folder. If your own device […]

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Published in categories: English version available, All instructions, Oamk , for Oamk staff, for Oamk students, for the University of Oulu staff, for the University of Oulu students, accessible content, UniOulu
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Creating Eduvpn profile (UO)

– 17.11.2021

The use of Open VPN Connect client for remote connections of the university requires the creation of a personal eduvpn-profile file and importing it to VPN client in the computer. First create the profile file, download it to your computer and then import it to OpenVPN client. NOTE! Your Eduvpn profile is valid for two […]

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Published in categories: English version available, All instructions, for the University of Oulu staff, for the University of Oulu students, accessible content, UniOulu
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Secured mail

– 11.11.2021

The secured e-mail should be used whenever confidential or delicate information is sent by e-mail from University of Oulu to outside or from outside to the university. N.B. In the university’s internal e-mail traffic in O365 service an additional protection is not needed. The contents of this instruction: Secured mail inside the university Sending a […]

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Published in categories: English version available, All instructions, for the University of Oulu staff, for the University of Oulu students, accessible content, UniOulu
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Service request (UO)

– 8.11.2021

The contents of this instruction: Make a service request e.g. ticket to Campus ICT support service Visit Campus ICT service point in Linnanmaa Does your probem apply to the user account or password?   Make a service request e.g. ticket to Campus ICT support service Make a ticket by email: as a university student, send […]

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Published in categories: English version available, All instructions, for the University of Oulu staff, for the University of Oulu students, accessible content, UniOulu
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Rules of use (UO)

– 5.11.2021

The contents of this instruction: Rules of IT service use E-mail rules Use of wlan in brief Rules of IT service use In brief These binding rules concern all users. Including you. These rules apply to the use of all of the university’s IT services, hardware, software and networks. The university authorises users to access […]

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Published in categories: English version available, All instructions, for the University of Oulu staff, for the University of Oulu students, accessible content, UniOulu
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UFO user account for an external user (UO)

– 3.11.2021

Temporary UFO user account A person who has no contract in the university but has a justified reason to use IT services for the staff, a temporary UFO user account must be applied by her/his unit. This person could be a scholarship researcher, a researcher with grant funding or Academy funding, a part-time teacher, a […]

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Published in categories: English version available, All instructions, for the University of Oulu staff, for the University of Oulu students, accessible content, UniOulu
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Requirements for a good and working password (UO)

– 1.11.2021

The password of the university’s student and staff user accout as well as of a temporary UFO user account must be changed at least once a year. You get the reminder to your e-mail if you have not changed your password during the year. Change the password in the university’s service: If you remember […]

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Published in categories: English version available, All instructions, for the University of Oulu staff, for the University of Oulu students, accessible content, UniOulu
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