With profiles you can use same services with different accounts at the same time. For instance if you have both the Oamk account and another university account that also uses the MS 365 service (e.g. University of Oulu), you can use the MS Office 365 cloud service at the same time with both accounts. Multiple profiles let you keep your things (work, study, personal) in a neat order. Also, the profiles come in handy if you have separate test or admin accounts to a service. Every profile has its own settings, bookmarks, history, passwords, and cookies.
NB. Chrome incognito window is another thing: If you use the incognito window, Chrome won’t save the browsing history, cookies and site data or information entered in forms.
How to add a profile:
- Open Chrome.
- Click Profile (it’s at the top right) and a profile menu opens.
- Click Add.
- Type in a name you think describes the profile best
- Choose an icon.
- Click Add.
- Chrome will ask you to turn on sync. It’s optional.
It’s done! Now you can switch between profiles using the profile menu.

In the Chrome profile menu, you can switch between the profiles and add new ones.