With profiles you can use same services with different accounts at the same time. For instance if you have both the Oamk account and another university account that also uses the MS 365 service (e.g. University of Oulu), you can use the MS Office 365 cloud service at the same time with both accounts. Multiple profiles […]
» Adding profiles to your web browser makes your life easier: e.g. if you have two MS Office 365 accounts, you can use them easily at the same time in the same browser
Published in categories: English version available, All instructions, Oamk , for Oamk staff, for Oamk students, for the University of Oulu staff, for the University of Oulu students, accessible content, UniOulu
Tags: Chrome, Edge, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, MS Office 365, profiilit, selaimet, selainprofiilit, MS Teams
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