You can add a printer to a computer, which is maintained by the ICT services and the computer is in the network on campus (either by cable or WiFi)
- Choose Start (Käynnistä)
- Start writing Devices and printers (Laitteet ja tulostimet) until you can choose it from the search results; open it when you see it.
- Choose Add a printer (Lisää kirjoitin)
- Choose the printer you want to add from the available printers in the list.
In case you couldn’t find the printer you want from the list, choose the “The printer that I want wasn’t listed / Tulostinta ei ole luettelossa” link. Then type the printer path to the name field; \\printerserver\printername. Choose next. - Now you may choose if you want to make the printer a default printer for the computer you are using. The recommended default printer is the secure print queue. Finally, choose Finish.
The network printer path for the secure print queue
- We use the Canon uniFLOW secure print queue. The same printing system (including printers) is shared with the University of Oulu and Oamk.
- The printing queues for staff:
- \\\secureprint
- \\\secureprint
- \\\secureprint
- The printing queues for students:
- \\\studentprint
- \\\studentprint
- \\\studentprint
- The printing queues for staff:
(NB. You can add this queue to the Windows computers maintained by the ICT services only; from your own laptop, you should use the e-mail or mobile printing in the same way as you would print from your home.)
Other queues, for example Secureprint-Transparency have been established for the special needs. If there is use for some special queue, contact Campus ICT.
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This article was published in categories English version available, All instructions, Oamk , for Oamk staff, for Oamk students, for the University of Oulu staff, for the University of Oulu students, accessible content, UniOulu and tags Canon Uniflow, oamk-migraatio, printing, prints, tulostimen osoite, tulostusjono. Add the permalink to your favourites.