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(suomi) Kotisivujen suojaaminen salasanan avulla

– 13.11.2008

Salasanasuojaus webissä Voit halutessasi tehdä public_html-hakemistoosi tai sen alihakemistoon salasanasuojauksen. Suojaus on yhtä turvallinen kuin Telnet-yhteys: Salasanat kulkevat verkossa koodattuna, mutta tarpeeksi halutessaan joku voisi purkaa koodauksen hyvin helposti. Eli mistään todella turvallisesta systeemistä ei ole kyse, mutta tämän asteen suojaus riittää varsin hyvin moneen tarkoitukseen. .htpasswd Hakemistossa, joka halutaan suojata luodaan salasanatiedosto seuraavalla käskyllä: htpasswd -c .htpasswd […]

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Published in categories: All instructions, Oamk , for Oamk staff, for Oamk students
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SSH – Turvallinen pääteyhteys

– 31.10.2007

SSH – Secure Shell Tavallisilla pääteohjelmilla, kuten Telnetillä, siirtyy tieto selväkielisinä verkon yli, tämä koskee myös salasanoja. SSH:ta suositellaan käytettäväksi aina, kun yhteys otetaan turvattoman verkon yli. Suojaamatonta yhteyttä voidaan salakuunnella muilta verkossa olevilta tietokoneilta. Nykyään useimmissa palvelimissa on estetty Telnet-yhteyksien käyttö oman verkon ulkopuolelta tulevilta yhteyksiltä. Oamkin palvelimille (kuten students ja staff) ei voi […]

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Published in categories: All instructions, Oamk , for Oamk staff, for Oamk students
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Rules of IT systems use: maintenance of IT systems

– 19.5.2005

The purpose of the rules of IT systems use Principles of use Access rights and user accounts Validity of access rights Maintenance of IT systems (this page) Maintenance of IT systems Each information system in the University of Applied Sciences must have a designated party responsible (an owner), who is in charge of the intended […]

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Published in categories: English version available, All instructions, Oamk , for Oamk staff, for Oamk students

Rules of IT systems use: validity of access rights

– 19.5.2005

The purpose of the rules of IT systems use Principles of use Access rights and user accounts Validity of access rights (this page) Maintenance of IT systems Validity of access rights The access rights expire automatically when the user is no longer within the University of Applied Sciences community the access rights granted for a […]

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Published in categories: English version available, All instructions, Oamk , for Oamk staff, for Oamk students

Rules of IT systems use: access rights and user accounts

– 19.5.2005

The purpose of the rules of IT systems use Principles of use Access rights and user accounts (this page) Validity of access rights Maintenance of information systems Access rights and user accounts The user is issued rights to access certain information systems. The access rights are based on the user’s position at the University of […]

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Published in categories: English version available, All instructions, Oamk , for Oamk staff, for Oamk students

Rules of IT systems use: principles of use

– 19.5.2005

The purpose of the rules of IT systems use Principles of use (this page) Access rights and user accounts Validity of access rights Maintenance of information systems Principles of use The key general principles guiding the use of the equipment and electronic services of the University of Applied Sciences, the rules of IT systems use […]

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Published in categories: English version available, All instructions, Oamk , for Oamk staff, for Oamk students
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Rules of IT systems use: the purpose of the rules

– 19.5.2005

The purpose of the rules of IT systems use (this page) Principles of use Access rights and user accounts Validity of access rights Maintenance of information systems The purpose of the rules of IT systems use The University of Applied Sciences is both a science and research community and an educational institution. It should secure […]

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Published in categories: English version available, All instructions, Oamk , for Oamk staff, for Oamk students

E-mail guidelines

– 7.4.2005

Consider the recipients of your e-mail When you reply to an e-mail check that the e-mail address in the to-field is correct. Use a descriptive heading. Don’t spread any circular e-mails. Prefer text only messages whenever possible (= No HTML-pages or word documents for message that is composed of just text) Instead of mail attachments, […]

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Published in categories: All instructions, Oamk , for Oamk staff, for Oamk students
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