Google Workspace for Education (GWE) has been known in the past under the names G Suite for Education and Google Apps for Education (GAFE). This is a suite of services produced by Google that provides the tools for collaboration work. The service is not available automatically, but as a student or staff member of the university you may activate it by accepting the terms of use of the service. For Oamk students and staff the service is enabled automatically.
When you have access to the GWE service, please log in here:
The contents of this instruction:
- Activate the GWE service
- Your sign-in names
- Services
- GWE is an external cloud service
- Get to know the terms of use
- Problem situations
Activate the GWE service
As a student or staff member of the University of Oulu, you can activate the service by accepting the rules of use on an activation form. After filling the form, the service is ready to use in about two (2) hours.
Act this way:
- Use Firefox,Chrome or Remote Desktop connection and open the activation form of the university. If asked, log in the form with the university account (=basic, short account!) and password.
- After accepting the terms of use, click OK.
- The service will be available in about two (2) hours.
Your sign-in names
GWE access is tied to your university username:
- UO staff:
- YO student:
- Oamk staff:
- Oamk student:
Access to use the service is valid as long as your university account is valid.
You can also log directly on Google’s various services pages, e.g. at Use then your edu-account for login. Note, however, that the edu-account required by Google will only be created upon deployment!
You can use direct links to log in these services. Use your sign-in name in form
- Calendar
- Chat
- Classroom
- Drive – cloud storage
- Forms – queries
- Gmail – email
- Read this in case you want to forward incoming emails to another account: Automatically forward incoming emails to another account
- However, please remember that the email address of the M365 service is your official address of the university!
- Meet
- Sheets
- Slides – presentations
- Vids – video creation
You pay attention to the fact that on different services there can be their own use conditions and agreements the acceptance of which is a precondition for the use of the service.
More information about the other services:
GWE is an external cloud service
Palvelu on ulkoinen pilvipalvelu ja palveluntarjoaja on Google.
Älä käsittele pilvipalvelussa luottamuksellista tai erityisesti suojeltavaa materiaalia. Tällaisia ovat mm. potilastiedot ja muut arkaluonteiset henkilötiedot. Rajoitus koskee myös Gmailia.
Palveluiden käyttö edellyttää tiettyjen käyttäjätietojen siirtoa palveluntarjoajan käyttöön. Näitä ovat esimerkiksi nimi, käyttäjätunnus ja sähköpostiosoite. Käyttäjän salasana säilytetään jatkossakin yksinomaan yliopiston omilla palvelimilla.
Tiedosta myös se tosiasia, että käyttöehdot ja käyttöoikeudet saattavat muuttua ilman, että Google tiedottaa niistä sinulle erikseen. Käytännössä se voi tarkoittaa sitä, että palvelussa olevat tiedot sinusta, palveluun tallentamasi tiedostot ja myös tiedostojen käyttöoikeudet voivat siirtyä muille osapuolille.
The service is an external cloud service provided by Google.
Do not handle confidential or secret material in cloud services! This kind of information is, among other, medical records and other sensitive personal data. The prohibition also applies to Gmail.
The use of the service requires certain user information to be transferred to the use of the service provider. This includes the name, username and email address. The user’s password will only be stored on the university’s own servers.
According to the terms of use of the service Google may change the views and contents of the Google Workspace service according to its own politics without informing beforehand.
Get to know the terms of use
- Google Workspace for Education Agreement:
- Data Processing Amendment to Google Workspace and/or Complementary Product Agreement:
- Standard Contractual Clauses:
- The university’s Terms of cloud service are obligating you. To read the terms of use, log in the with the short form of your university user account.
Problem situations
It is not possible for the University to offer support in the problem situations which are related to the service.
- Please use Google’s support services instead.
- If you suspect that the services do not operate, you can monitor the status here.
Communities and services from which hints and a user support can be searched for:
Free online training offered by Google for education professionals: