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Groups (UO, Oamk)

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The user accounts of the university and Oamk cluster in the Active Directory (AD) to the groups which are in accordance with the person’s cost pool. In addition to these built-in groups, other groups can be created and maintained in different systems to many kinds of needs; for team working, for granting user rights, for sharing resources and for creating e-mail lists.

This instruction covers the following topics:

  • Every username belongs to some organisation group in the AD. The person’s group is determined according to the cost pool which has been set in the Certia system.
  • The organisation group has a common e-mail address and the members of the group have basically the same user rights to shared network disks S and Y.
  • If the person’s cost pool changes, will the user account move automatically to the new organisation group and from this her/his part the e-mail address of the group will change and the disk spaces S and Y also.
  • In addition to these fixed organisation groups, Campus ICT can create other groups also according to the requests.

IDM groups

  • ICT Services can create new internal user groups in different needs on request and can for example connect disk resources,  grant the user rights of disk resources and give an email address to the group.
  • A group owner can order a new group creation from Campus ICT which has  a right to create groups. After the creation, the group owner can moderate the group through the IDM portal himself.
  • At the order stage, the group owner can mention whether the group is wanted to be only for staff’s use. The default is that the members can be staff members and students.
  • The owner of the group gets the moderate rights, in other words she/he takes care of the adding and removal of the members through the IDM portal. She/he can pick new members on the basis of a user account, the person’s name or e-mail address.
  • When the group is not needed any more, the subscriber of the group can request Campus ICT to remove the group.
  • Direct links to IAM Portal: Create groupModerate group.

Create Groups

NOTE! This guide is only for those people who have the right to create groups in Novell Identity Manager.

If you use the direct link, jump directly to step 3.

  1. Log in to the IDM portal: with university username and password, and press Next. NOTE! The login step is automatically bypassed if you are logged in to the domain and your browser settings allow single sign-on logging.
  2. Select Access > Create Groups.
  3. Select group owner:
    • The owner of the group (Ryhmän omistaja) has the right to maintain the group’s data.
    • As the creator of the group, you are automatically the owner of the group, unless you change the owner at this point.
    • As a rule, there can only be one owner at a time. If more than one owner is required, submit a request to Campus ICT.
    • Use the Object selector button to retrieve a person’s information:
      • You can search by Last Name, Email or First Name.
      • If the name has Scandinavian letters (åäö), use them.
      • You can use the truncation character (*) at the beginning of the string and/or leave the rest unwritten.
      • Press Search.
      • In the search results, select the owner of the group and press Select, or do a new search.
    • With the Show history button, you can see a list of your previous choices:
      • You can choose a person from the list.
      • The list can be reset by pressing Clear history.
    • With the Reset field button, you can clear the contents of the Ryhmän omistaja (group owner) field.
  4. Click Vain henkilökunnalle (only for staff) if the group is intended for staff use only.
  5. Give the group a descriptive name in the field Ryhmän nimi:
    • Up to 20 characters.
    • Allowed characters a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and hyphen (-).
  6. Finally, press Lähetä (submit).
  7. The system automatically creates a group name based on the name you entered. If the group is for staff only, the rest of the name is automatically -staff, otherwise -idm.
  8. Finally, log out of the system, select Sign out.
    • Alternatively, close the browser tab.

Modify Groups

Campus ICT creates a user group at the customer’s request, which is maintained by the person named as the owner of the group. The owner of the group has a maintenance right, i.e. the right to add and remove members of the user group and request changes in relation to the rights of the group. The owner may also request the removal of the group.

If you use the direct link, you can jump directly to step 3.

  1. Log in to the IDM portal: with university username and password, and press Next.
    • NOTE! The login step is automatically bypassed if you are logged in to the domain and your browser settings allow single sign-on logging.
  2. Select Access > Modify Groups.
  3. You can see the groups whose data you have the right to maintain. Use the mouse to select the one whose data you are editing. NOTE: Select a group, even if there is only one option on the list!
  4. Edit group information:
    • Kuvaus (description, cannot be edited): group description, maintenance fill.
    • Toiveet (wishes): you can send wishes to Campus ICT, what resources are associated with the group, for example, disk resources, email list, permissions.
    • Nykyiset jäsenet (current members, cannot be edited): you can see who is currently in the group as members. Additions and deletions are done under Jäsenten hallinta (members management.
  5. Add a new member under Jäsenten hallinta (manage members) by retrieving a person’s information with the Object selector button:
    • You can search by Last Name, Email or First Name.
    • If the name has Scandinavian letters (åäö), use them.
    • You can use the truncation character (*) at the beginning of the string and/or leave the rest unwritten.
    • Press Search.
    • Select a new member from the search results and press Select, or do a new search.
    • NOTE: If the rest of the group name is -staff, student members cannot be added. If the rest of the name is -idm, the members can be staff and students.
  6. Delete a member under Jäsenten hallinta (members manager):
    • Select the member to be removed from the group and press Delete selected item button.
  7. Deleting a group: You can make a request to the administrator to delete the entire group.
    • If you want the group you selected to be deleted, tick the box to delete the group.
  8.  To save the changes you have made, press Submit or cancel by pressing Cancel.
  9. Finally, log out of the system, select Sign out.
    • Alternatively, close the browser tab.

M365 groups

Microsoft 365 groups work with M365 tools. You can create Mcrosoft 365 groups using, for example, Outlook, Teams, SharePoint, Planner, Stream or Yammer. You can choose the tool depending on the type of group you work with. For example, when you create a Teams workspace (team), you create a group with the same name and the members are the same as in the team.

  • When you create a group, you need to determine whether it is a private group or a public group. The content of the public group is visible to everyone in your organization, and anyone in your organization can join the group. The content of the private group is only visible to the members of that group and the group owner must accept those who wish to join the private group.
  • The group’s owner is its supervisor. She/he may add or remove members and have individual access rights.
  • Group members are ordinary users in your organisation who use the group to cooperate. They can use all of the group’s functions but cannot change the group settings.

More information about M365 groups (Microsoft page)

List server’s email groups

NOTE! The list server is only available at the university at this stage. A similar service will be provided to Oamk at a later date.

There are plenty of different mailing lists in the list server for students and staff.

  • Because the internal lists are not seen in public, ask for example your colleagues or the superior which lists are worth  joining.
  • You can subscribe on the mailing list yourself and can unsubscribe by using a form. You will get to the form when you know the name of the group.  Replace the term “listname” with the name of the mailing list in question into the following form link
  • On the list page, you can find the contact information of the administrator of the list who can add and can remove members when requested.
  • Additional information for the administrator:

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