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Tag archive: computer security

About using USB memory sticks

– 15.2.2012

It’s not recommended that you use a USB memory stick for confidential data. Also, you ought to keep your entertainment and study related USB drives separate. Don’t use your study related flash drives in Internet cafes and alike. You can make your USB memory stick (= Flash/USB/thumb drive), more secure by using encryption: There are […]

» About using USB memory sticks
Published in categories: All instructions, Oamk , for Oamk staff, for Oamk students | Tags: | Comments Off on About using USB memory sticks

(suomi) Viruksista

– 10.10.2011

» (suomi) Viruksista
Published in categories: All instructions, for Oamk staff, for Oamk students | Tags: , , , , , | Comments Off on (suomi) Viruksista

Oamk student’s account password

– 14.9.2011

Every student at the Oulu University of Applied Sciences has an Oamk account; a user name and related password. You need your account e.g. when you want to read your email, log in to Tuudo (a mobile app for students)  and map your home directory (to a Windows computer at the school network) Students password will […]

» Oamk student’s account password
Published in categories: English version available, All instructions, Oamk , for Oamk students, accessible content | Tags: , , , , , , | Comments Off on Oamk student’s account password

SSH – Turvallinen pääteyhteys

– 31.10.2007

SSH – Secure Shell Tavallisilla pääteohjelmilla, kuten Telnetillä, siirtyy tieto selväkielisinä verkon yli, tämä koskee myös salasanoja. SSH:ta suositellaan käytettäväksi aina, kun yhteys otetaan turvattoman verkon yli. Suojaamatonta yhteyttä voidaan salakuunnella muilta verkossa olevilta tietokoneilta. Nykyään useimmissa palvelimissa on estetty Telnet-yhteyksien käyttö oman verkon ulkopuolelta tulevilta yhteyksiltä. Oamkin palvelimille (kuten students ja staff) ei voi […]

» SSH – Turvallinen pääteyhteys
Published in categories: All instructions, Oamk , for Oamk staff, for Oamk students | Tags: , , , | Comments Off on SSH – Turvallinen pääteyhteys

E-mail guidelines

– 7.4.2005

Consider the recipients of your e-mail When you reply to an e-mail check that the e-mail address in the to-field is correct. Use a descriptive heading. Don’t spread any circular e-mails. Prefer text only messages whenever possible (= No HTML-pages or word documents for message that is composed of just text) Instead of mail attachments, […]

» E-mail guidelines
Published in categories: All instructions, Oamk , for Oamk staff, for Oamk students | Tags: , , , | Comments Off on E-mail guidelines