Google Workspace for Education is a cloud service available for use at the Oamk. The service consists of different tools for communication and collaboration. Both Oamk students and staff are eligible to use the service. In addition to the tools, the service enables centralised management within the Oamk user group.
Logging in to the service
The service uses the MS 365 Office login. You are able to log in to the service as follows:
- Go to the login page.
- If you already have a personal Google account, and
- if you are already logged in, choose the Add account button from the menu that opens from the top-right corner.
- if you are logged out, and the login page offers your personal account login information, you need to choose the Use another account link in the bottom of the page in order to be able to continue to the following step.)
- If you already have a personal Google account, and
- Type your Oamk e-mail address in the email field like this: (where uname is your personal username – the one that is max eight characters long) and click next to proceed.
- Login with your email and password if you were not already logged in.
- Now the Google front page opens and you can see your own e-mail address at the top right corner. You are able to choose which application you want to use from the icon next to your address.
- You can access your account information as well as log out from the serivce by clicking your profile icon (on the top-right corner)
Examples of Google services
There is a quota of 50 GB per user. For shared folders, the quota is 100 GB.
Classroom offers the teachers tools for organising and creating tasks. It also enables giving feedback and communicating with the students.
YuJa is our default service for media, but you can also use YouTube if you so wish. You can create your own Youtube channel and you can also restrict the viewer rights so that only the Oamk students and teachers of can watch your video. The Youtube video service holds a huge number of videos which can be utilised in teaching (NB. Teacher, please be aware that you are allowed to give the web addresses of videos to the students. However, according to the law, you are not allowed to show videos using AC or a video projector unless you are the copyright owner or if you have a specific permission from the copyright owner!).
The sites tool can be used to create home pages, intranet pages, project pages, campaigns as well as learning environments. The sites can be shared : E.g. a teacher could make a site that also a group of students can edit, or students could make a site of their own for a group work.
Google Drive
The students and the teachers as well as other staff can save files, such as documents, videos and pictures to the Google Drive. From there the files and folders can be distributed to and edited by chosen users. The users can edit the shared documents simultaneously. By installing a separate application to their computers, the users can view their files using their computers resources management and mobile devices.
Google Docs
Documents are distributed, viewed, created and edited in Google Drive. The owner of the document can keep the documents private or share them to other users as he/she wishes.
With the groups tool it is possible to create and administrate groups. it is possible to make discussion forums for groups.
With Blogger it is possible to make different blogs for different purposes. Also blogs edited by several people are possible, so that e.g. a common blog for a certain course can be made.