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Moodle Howspace integration


You can add Howspace to your Moodle platform as an external tool. In this case, users go from Moodle to Howspace logged in with their University of Oulu/Oamk credentials.

Moodle’s Howspace integration

  1. Open “Workspace settings” in Howspace
  2. Check that ” Learning Tools Interoperability” is checked in the “Features” menu
  3. Open the menu “Login, registration and SSO”
  4. Select “Users can log with Learning Tools Interoperability” as active
  5. Save
  6. Select “Add activity or resource” in Moodle
  7. Add “External tool”
  8. Give the activity a name
  9. Select Howspace from the “Preconfigured ool” drop-down menu
  10. Click “Select content”, select the desired workspace and save
  11. The workspace now opens from Moodle by clicking on the created external tool

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