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How to change your Oamk password

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This instruction describes two methods how to change your Oamk password when you remember the current one.

Method 1: Using a Windows computer that is in OUAS network (at school premises)

  1. Log in.
  2. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del.
  3. Choose “Change a password…”
  4. Enter your current password and your new password to the related fields.
    • Note: Special characters in passwords may cause problems when logging into services that use HAKA login. If your password does not work, for example, in Exam, but you are able to log in to your email with it, the only solution is to change the password again.
  5. Press Enter.

Method 2: Using Microsoft 365 service through a web browser

  1. Go to the M365 sign-in page
  2. Sign in M365 with your user account which is for students: and for staff: Give your current password too.
  3. In M365 service, tap your profile picture/initials and tap “My account/Näytä tili” and then “Change password/Vaihda salasana”.
  4. First enter your old password and then type the new password twice in the fields reserved for them.
    • Note: Special characters in passwords may cause problems when logging into services that use HAKA login. If your password does not work, for example, in Exam, but you are able to log in to your email with it, the only solution is to change the password again.
  5. Press the button “Submit/Lähetä”.

NB. When you have changed your password in M365 service, you’ll have to wait some minutes to be able to sign in other services.


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