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Tag archive: students’ email

Signing in to the MS 365 cloud service, e.g. your e-mail

– 19.5.2024

The Microsoft Office 365 cloud service consists of several applications. Also e-mail is delivered as a part of the service. Sign in to the MS 365 cloud service using this web address: There you can see all the available applications in the cloud service, including email. How to log in In the User ID field […]

» Signing in to the MS 365 cloud service, e.g. your e-mail
Published in categories: All instructions, Oamk , for Oamk staff, for Oamk students | Tags: , , , , | Comments Off on Signing in to the MS 365 cloud service, e.g. your e-mail

Oamk student account (user name & e-mail address)

– 17.12.2020

User accounts from Oamk were migrated to the University of Oulu’s M365 tenant on May 17, 2024. As a result, the information on this page is now outdated. We plan to update this page during the summer. To be able to use the Oamk online services, such as e-mail, you need a personal Oamk user […]

» Oamk student account (user name & e-mail address)
Published in categories: English version available, All instructions, for Oamk students, accessible content | Tags: , , , , , , | Comments Off on Oamk student account (user name & e-mail address)

Settings for reading your Oamk email at home (or with your smartphone)

– 14.11.2014

You can read your e-mail at your own computer using Outlook or any other email programme (e.g. Mozilla Thunderbird) using the common protocol called IMAP. If you’re using a smartphone for your e-mail, it is easiest to use the built-in e-mail application that allows you to add an Exchange account. Since adjusting the settings isn’t identical in […]

» Settings for reading your Oamk email at home (or with your smartphone)
Published in categories: English version available, All instructions, for Oamk staff, for Oamk students | Tags: , , , , | Comments Off on Settings for reading your Oamk email at home (or with your smartphone)

Spear phishing

– 29.1.2014

There might pop in to your e-mail so-called spear phishing messages usually written in bad Finnish or in English. Sometimes the message content may seem very credible. Typically, in these messages IT maintenance, any authority, bank, partner, Paypal, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, UPS, DHL or other body is asking your contact information and will ask you […]

» Spear phishing
Published in categories: All instructions, Oamk , for Oamk staff, for Oamk students | Tags: , , , , , , | Comments Off on Spear phishing

Transferring your old email to the cloud services

– 27.7.2012

Transferring your old email to the new system is easiest by adding the information of your old account to the new one. After logging in using address, choose Outlook options: Then choose Connected accounts: Now choose New from the Connected accounts section: Put your account information using address, where uname is your user […]

» Transferring your old email to the cloud services
Published in categories: All instructions, for Oamk students | Tags: , , , | Comments Off on Transferring your old email to the cloud services