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We are currently conducting a comprehensive update of the instructions on the website. If you notice any deficiencies or errors in the instructions, or if any instruction is missing, please let us know by sending a message to

The University of Oulu and Oamk share an M365 tenant at

Have you lost your password? Don’t worry, you can set a new password: Set a new password for your University of Oulu or Oamk account through identification. Please note that it might take up to 15 minutes for the password to start working.

Oamk user: if you are not sure what your username is or you are experiencing problems with your account, please see login instructions for Oamk users.

Campus ICT

Regular opening hours

  • The helpline is open on weekdays at 8:00–15:45 (8 am–3:45 pm). During that time, service requests by e-mail are also be responded to.
  • Campus ICT Service Point is open on weekdays at 9–13 (9 am–1 pm). (Possible exceptions to opening hours can be seen above on this page.) You can also make an appointment outside the opening hours (on working days 8 am–3:45 pm).  
  • ChatBot answers questions 24/7. (At this point, only for the University of Oulu.)
  • Note. We have a general maintenance window on Thursdays between 6:00 and 9:00 Finnish time (4am–7am GMT). During that time, services may be unavailable, or suffer from interruptions.

Campus ICT Service Point

  • We are located at TH109 on the Linnanmaa campus in the university premises.  See our location on the map.
  • Use MazeMap mobile app: read instuctions, search for “TH109” and the app will guide you to us.
  • Please visit the service point only when healthy!





University of Oulu

IT Support

In urgent matters, please call us:

  • +358 (0) 294 483 124 (staff, students and guests)​
  • There is no separate service charge in the number: the charge depends on your contract with the operator.

ChatBot Service

  • the chatbot service answers your questions 24/7 on the university’s IT instruction pages
  • start the conversation with the button “Any questions? Chatbot is here to help you!” or “Voimmeko auttaa?” and on mobile devices with a speech bubble icon

Overview of ICT Services and instructions


Oulu University of Applied Sciences

IT support

Oamk students and staff and Oamk’s guests, use this address for IT support:

In urgent matters, please call us:

  • +358 (0) 294 483 124
  • There is no separate service charge in the number: the charge depends on your contract with the operator.


We provide IT support for the University of Oulu and the Oulu University of Applied Sciences (Oamk).

ICT services provides IT support for both the students and staff of the University of Oulu and Oamk. We are responsible for the network connections, hardware and software and we solve related problems. To contact us, send us e-mail or call our helpline or visit our Campus ICT service point.

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