Open Badge Factory (OBF) is an online service that offers users the opportunity to create, store and issue badges. The service is designed to facilitate the identification and recognition of competence in different environments, such as education, work and leisure activities.
Can do
- Create badges: OBF allows you to design and create your own badges. Badges are defined with a description, criteria, appearance and metadata. Badges are stored in the service, from where they are easily accessible.
- Issue badges: OBF enables the issuing of badges. You can send badges directly from the service or integrate it with, for example, Moodle. This flexibility makes it easier to distribute badges.
- Create and process badge applications: OBF allows you to create and process badge applications. The service can receive applications, check criteria and issue badges to applicants.
How to use
An orientation package has been prepared for the use of badges in Moodle, which you can complete to get instructions on how to use badges and access the OBF service. Below are links to the intranet pages of both universities where you can find instructions on how to use the orientation package.