Laptop Vendors are self-service machines from which, as a university student or Oamk student, you can borrow a laptop. The university and Oamk have their own, separate laptop vendors on the campuses. In principle, the laptop vendors operate the same way, regardless who it belongs to, so these instructions work for both organisations.
- Borrow the device only for your own, personal use – you may not pass the device on to others.
- You can borrow a laptop for up to four (4) hours at a time.
- You can borrow a laptop three (3) times a day.
- Each time you borrow a laptop, you’ll get one that has been in the laptop vendor for at least two (2) hours: The idea is that the battery is recharged and the laptop is ready for use.
Please remember to take care, that the laptop is charging before you close the locker. In this way the next user will get a recharged laptop which is ready for use. (=You’ll have to attach the laptop to a docking station or plug in the power cord.) - NOTE: If for technical reason you fail to return the laptop to its locker, take it to the Campus ICT Service Point or one of the campus reception service points. Do not leave the laptop on the counter, but hand it over to the staff. If the service points are closed for that day, take good care of the laptop and return it the next morning.
The contents of this instruction:
Laptop vendors’ locations
The laptop vendors and locations available to students of the university of Oulu are described on Laptop Vendors | University of Oulu.
Oamk students have three laptop vendors in their use: two of them are located at the Linnanmaa campus: One is near the stairs close to the main door in the first floor (7A101), and another one is in front of room 7B103. The third laptop vendor is on Oamk’s Kontinkangas campus, in the second floor, close to the main staircase in the Louhi building.
First register your RFID identifier on the self-service machine. Do the registration only once and after that you may use all the laptop vendors of the university.
For the registration, you’ll need your MS Office 365 username of the university or Oamk, your mobile phone and a RFID card. For RFID, you can use any RFID card you usually keep with you, for example your 24/7 card, or your student card: these cards have a RFID included.
- You can use the same RFID as you use in the printing service.
- Also other cards, which have been equipped with the RFID identifier, can be used in the service, for example a bonus card, credit card, Oulu card, travel card.
- If you have no card with the RFID identifier, fetch the RFID sticker from Campus ICT helpdesk and paste it to some of your cards.
Act this way:
- Snap Is this your first time? in case you haven’t registered any card in the service yet.
- Enter your mobile phone number. The Finnish operator’s number can be entered without a county code in form 04012345678. The foreign number must be entered with the country code, for instance +44678901234.
- Enter your O365 username of the University of Oulu in form
If you are an Oamk student, give your username in this form: - Enter your password.
- Snap Register.
- Place your card on the scanner.
- Snap Return.
- You will get the PIN code as a text message. Remember it, you will need it when you borrow.
Watch the video: Card registration (no sound in the video)
You can borrow a laptop only using your registered card.
Act this way:
- Place your card on the scanner. Use only the registered card.
- The machine is asking for your PIN code. If you do not remember it, you can order the new one to your mobile phone and to your e-mail by snapping Forgot your PIN code?
– Enter your PIN code and snap Enter. - The machine is showing the number of that locker from where you can take the laptop.
- The locker is opened. Release the device this way:
a) docking station: pull the Close button lightly
b) cord: loose the cord by pulling it outwards vertically. - Take the device carefully out from the locker.
- Close the hatch.
- You get the email message of which the sender is
Watch the video: Borrowing (no sound in the video)
Pay attention to these:
- The loan period is no more than four (4) hours. If you do not return a device within a loan period, you will get reminders to your e-mail. If you do not return a device even after the reminders, the university will take the needed measures.
- You can borrow the device no more than three (3) times per day. The loan period cannot be prolonged but the device has to be returned within four hours. If you begin a new loan, you will get a new device. The returned device is charged in its locker and so it cannot be borrowed immediately again.
Return the device within four (4) hours loan period to the same vendor where you borrowed it.
Act this way:
- Place your card on the scanner. Use only the registered card.
- Snap Check in item.
– Alternatively you can leave a reclamation by snapping Leave reclamation and check in item. Then choose the reason: Item was broken / Battery was empty or low power / Software problem / Cancel. - The locker is opened. Place the device into locker and connect it this way:
a) If there is a docking station, place the laptop into it so that the arrows in the Docking Station labels will settle face to face. Then lock the dock station by pushing the Close button lightly. Still make sure that the light in the button is on.
b) If there is a cord, connect it to the laptop. The right place for the cord is near the name sticker of the laptop. Look these example pictures:The cord of L2 laptop vendor
The cord of L3 laptop vendor
- Close the hatch.
- You get the email message of which the sender is
Watch the video: Returning (no sound in the video)