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Atendance list from Zoom


Zoom collects attendance lists of participants in online meetings. The list is available for review by the founder of the meeting. The list shows:

  • the name of each user,
  • the logged-in users’ email addresses, and
  • the time of arrival and departure of each user, and
  • duration of presence in minutes per user.

To view attendance lists for meetings you’ve organized yourself after a meeting:

  1. Go to
    You can also get there from the main screen (post-login) by browsing Reports, Usage.
  2. In the list, you’ll see the previous day’s meetings and today’s meetings that ended at least 15 minutes ago. If necessary, you can narrow the search back one month. (Lists older than that are automatically deleted.)
  3. You can open the meeting participant list from the meeting row, from the link in the Participants column (the number indicates the number of participants).
  4. By default, the list shows all separate visits. You can choose separately if you want to limit all the different apearances of a single participant to just one, instead of showing all the instances, where he or she has dropped out of the line, and then reappeared in the meeting again.

Other instructions related to the meeting participants

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